Saturday 11 February 2012

Half-Term and Motivational tactics

Firstly before I start rambling about my life, I'd like to apologise for my shocking lack of posting over the last couple of days. It all went a bit hectic and I couldn't write my blog *cry*

So I've decided to give you a quick overview of Thursday and Friday...
Thursday: Sat through 4 average lessons and had one good lesson, Maths. That makes me sound like a total nerd but I'm not. I like Maths as a subject plus we have a good teacher and a small class (there's only 10 of us, 40% are girls so we're representing the girls during the lessons). But the best thing is that it was Biscuit Thursday. We have biscuits in lesson, in case you hadn't worked that bit out. Then I ran my night at Guides, celebrating Waitangi Day and it was a success! The ANZAC biscuits were really nice, as was the ginger beer. Over the half-term I've decided to make some more ANZAC biscuits.
Friday: Good day, had Maths first and we had some more biscuits because we had some left over. Discussed strange names, as you do, obviously. Did another experiment in Chemistry - clearly the best science - and it went ok apart from Ellen got a nose bleed due to the chemicals we were using. English was pretty boring. Currently we are studying An Inspector Calls, it's ok I guess but I've definitely read better plus plays are supposed to be performed not read. Spanish and Music Tech made up my afternoon - Music Tech was better, I spent the hour listening to Jamaican Reggae streamed live over the Internet from Kingston. I now have a bit of a liking for Jamaican Reggae. That was pretty much my school day, visited my Grandma again after school (she lives in the same village as me so I see her most days after school) and then went home and watched TV with James (my boyfriend). And that's Friday.

So onto the point of this post.. It's half term!

This is potentially the one thing I have been looking forward to this year so far. School has got to that stage where even getting up in the morning stresses you out. All the teachers continually remind you that your GCSEs are coming soon, or to coin a phrase that's an apparent favourite of the school, 'the clock is ticking down'. As of today, I have 45 days left of compulsory education. Then that's it.

I'm not going to lie, that's a scary thought.

45 days. 225 lessons. In some cases, I'm unbelievably glad that the end of school is so close, it means I no longer have to sit through monotonous pointless classes like Business and Citizenship. I liked Business until this year when we got a new teacher, who I strongly dislike - hate is too strong a word, even for him (the teacher that is).

I know I should really study during this time but realistically, this is the last proper holiday I'm going to have before all the real stress of exams kicks in when I'll be spending my holidays inside like a hermit revising and writing blog posts to distract myself. Also, I have no motivation, I'm the Master of Procrastination - I really am, I reckon I deserve a certificate or a medal at least. I'll always find a ton of things to do before I actually do any revision and then - "Oh! Was that mum calling? Best go check, maybe I'll help her out with dinner today..." And so it continues..

For once, Valentine's Day has fallen in the half-term so I don't have to endure all the depressing faces and comments people make if they're single on Valentine's. The same applies for those couples who act overly loved-up on this one day. So that's another bonus of this holiday. The first being I get to sleep to my heart's content which I really need to do at the moment as sleep helps with snuffly noses and head colds.

The arrival of the half-term hopefully signifies a turning point in the weather too. Normally, the weather begins to get better after half-term on the run up to the start of Spring. After the disappointment of the 10-20cm of snow we were promised by the weather forecasters - on a side point they seriously need to work on the accuracy of there predictions, we didn't even have 10 millimetres of snow! - warmer weather would be greatly appreciated, as personally, I'm beginning to miss having feeling in my finger and toes...and ears.

This morning I got up for work (Pentagon Group, in Internet Sales, everyone asks because they're all shocked I have a job. Pentagon sells cars and vans if you were wondering) and it was -10. I only had one word for it - barmy. And also freezing though technically we were way past that. This week's motivational quote from my boss was 'Don't wait or procrastinate - do it now!'. Work dragged today; there were times when it was busy but for the majority it was quiet. Tonight, I'm going to see the Taming of the Shrew, a play that I know absolutely nothing about. It's playing at the Assembly Rooms in town. By "town", I mean Derby City Centre. It's not that great if I'm honest and it gets boring after almost 10 years. Even after 10 months you begin to feel the boring-ness.

I'll let you know how the play was if I understand it. I now leave you with a quote stuck up in my Spanish room by a form tutor trying to motivate her form - 'You build a house brick by brick. You build a form friend by friend'. Yeah, it's cheesy but it makes me laugh. Especially as I know, from experience may I add, that almost everyone dislikes the other people in their form. But good on her for trying.

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