It's been a month since I last posted but I am happy to say the majority of my exams are now out of the way and over with. I have 2 left - Statistics and Resistant Materials (Tech). The other exams went ok I guess. Except English. English was hell - I'm so glad I never have to do that again. I've split up the exams into days which is why there is a group of 3 - this day I labelled 'Hell Day'. I was in isolation all day - it was tedious but never mind, we got cake at lunch.
Citizenship - easy. Over in an hour, simple question. Good start
Biology - ok. Best it could've been. Questions about Olaf the farmer.
Spanish Listening - not good. Everyone came out of that and went "what was that?". So hopefully they'll lower the grade boundaries. Questions on Olga. Made me laugh as Biology and this were on the same day.
Chemistry - nice exam, nothing too difficult, didn't finish but never mind, I answered all the high marked questions and I only had one question left so I don't think it'll affect my grade too much
English Lit - awful questions in a stuffy sports hall full to the brim of bored year 11s with aching hands. But at least I never have to look at 'Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha' ever again.
Spanish Reading - much better than the listening exam. Hopefully I will have pulled it back from the depths of awful to the the acceptable.
English Language - a resit from year 10. I think it went ok but the texts were some of the most boring you have ever read. I mean, seriously, who cares about Urban Foxes? The writing section wasn't too bad so hopefully it'll all balance out. The best mark goes through so if I do really bad, I can always use last year's mark. Which is a positive at least.
Business Studies - surprisingly ok. Some decent questions and not too many long essay ones. I reckon I did ok and a definite bonus is no more Business Studies!
Physics - again, a nice one. I think I did well but I'm worried that it seemed a little too easy. I'm hoping the grade boundaries aren't too high so I'll get a good grade in Physics overall - I am taking it for A-level after all
Additional Maths - could've gone better but what can you do about it now? Some very tricky, complicated questions but in the past boundaries have been low so maybe that'll continue this year. I suppose, in the end, it's just an extra qualification - I've already got Maths in the bag, Ad Maths is just an added bonus.
There's a quick rundown of the exams. Most of this was crammed into 2 weeks with lots of full days at school. This is part of the reason I haven't posted since I left school. Exams and revision.
Now, on a less academic note, I have found my prom dress! It's really pretty but now I have 17 days to find shoes, a bag and transport. I'm cutting it a little fine but I've got some free time now so hopefully it'll all come together.
This whole post has been about school and school-related things. I've left school so why is it still overtaking my life? After the 28th June, I've got 2 whole months off to do whatever I want before returning to sixth form. Exciting. Until next time - hopefully the gap will be shorter this time.
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