Thursday, 8 March 2012

You'd never think 3 things could make your week super busy..

Today I got my results for the exams I did in January, granted it was only 4 which is barely registers next to the amount some people did. But hey, it's their own fault they chose those subjects although everyone appears to have done alright in the exams they took though there were several disappointed faces and I definitely saw a couple of people crying (I think that was a little over the top personally).

The four exams I sat were Biology, Chemistry and Physics Unit 2 (I'm doing the Triple Science Award) and English Literature Unit 1. I'm pleased to say (write, whatever) that I got high A's in all except Physics where I got a high A* which I'm totally chuffed about as that has boosted my overall grade up towards the A/A* I'm working towards. I found out later in the day that in Chemistry I was 2 marks of getting an A* and in English I was 3 marks off but never mind, A's are still A-mazing in my opinion (pun totally intended).

I've been umpiring the Year 7 interform netball all week (at our school, you are split in to 10 forms in your year and in years 7 and 8 they like to do interform competitions to help you get along better) which has been interesting. Some girls are a bit patchy on the rules though; at one point they ignored my whistle so I ended up walking onto the court and taking the ball off one team and giving it to the other team whilst attempting to explain what they'd done wrong. Not the easiest of tasks. I think I've got to repeat the same next week but with the Year 8s which could be worse as they are much more likely to backchat. On a happier note, the form I've been working with won today which was a great confidence boost for them.

If you've read my last few posts you will know I have been attempting to complete my Statistics coursework and I am delighted to announce that I have finished it! I must have spent about 14 or 15 hours on this one piece of coursework and I have slightly neglected other school work so I hope that I get a good mark. Fingers crossed, eh?

I'm not sure if I'll get chance to post tomorrow but I'll try my best. Enjoy your Friday everyone!

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