Friday, 30 March 2012

School Holidays! Finally...

I apologise for the 5-day gap however I have been super busy. However, it has not been having a life. It's been school work. All week. I've been at school doing work then coming home and doing more school work. It hasn't been a particularly interesting week. In fact, I it has been so tiring that I almost fell asleep on my table in English today.

But anyway, it's officially Easter! Well, not quite but it's the Easter holidays which means two weeks of school however, I'm working during the first week (not for very long though, 10 till 3 every day) and I'll be doing revision and school work in the second whilst trying to cram in some sort of social life in and around the edges along the way.

Tonight, I'm going out with my boyfriend and his family to the Annual Cricket Dinner. James, his brother, his dad and his sister all play cricket so they're going with the club and invited me. There is a slight problem though, I don't know all that much about cricket so conversation with people I don't know could be limited unless, by some very happy coincidence, they like motorbikes. Or netball. Or listen to the same types of music to me. Ah well, maybe I'll learn something whilst I'm there.

Now, I'm off because I need to shoot off to James' house so we can go to this dinner. Toodle pip.

Yeah, you read it right, I just said toodle pip.

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