I watched a YouTube video today by Alex Day called Follow Your Obsessions where he basically said you should find something you are hugely obsessed with, do that and then try and find a way to make money out of doing that. So doing what you love rather than what gets you the most money in the most mind-numbing way possible. My problem is this, it only really seems to work for a miniscule amount of people.
I would love to spend my time riding around the world, filming my journeys and making a sort of video diary along with it and presenting these things to the world. Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor got sponsored by BMW to go on a trip and film what they were doing as did other people such as Lois Pryce and Austin Vince but I can't see myself ever getting that sort of opportunity. That is why I'm sat doing a degree in Chemistry at university. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my course and university life but that doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy doing something else even more.
I've been riding for 3 years now and I still love it, I still enjoy going out and just riding around the countryside. I'm going to Ireland on my bike this year and doing a bit of a road trip around both Northern and the Republic of Ireland so maybe I'll try out my GoPro camera and vlogging skills there. If I can get the permission of the people I'm going with to film them of course (there's about 17 of us!).
Maybe someone will see it and then start sponsoring me to travel the world. Now that would be fab.
But until then, I'm going to have to stick to revising for my Chemistry exams next month.
Speak soon